Cardiff hosting the RAF Typhoon Display Team and Red Arrows

The team at Global Trek Aviation Cardiff (EGFF) again hosted the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team (Red Arrows), Royal Air Force Typhoon Display Team and the Royal Air Force Defence Flying School who were taking part in Teignmouth & Wales National Airshows this year.

The team did a fantastic job in looking after the crew and their support teams for a second consecutive year. All visitors were complimentary and grateful of the fantastic service provided over the weekend.

A massive thank you to the Global Trek Aviation Cardiff Team ( Gerallt, Scott, Tim, Ian, Lewis, Stewart and Colin) for doing an amazing job once again and ensuring that our high standards are maintained regardless of how busy we were.

Thank you also to Cardiff Airport for providing additional security patrols and blocking off areas of the airfield to accommodate the aircraft and their support equipment for the duration of the weekend.