Gulfstream Certification

Gulfstream Certification

A proud moment for the Global Trek Aviation Cardiff Int'l, UK (EGFF) team, as they proudly hold their Gulfstream plaques in recognition of being fully trained and certified to line support all their...

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Air BP Sterling Card Accepted.

Air BP Sterling Card Accepted.

Working with Air BP, Global Trek Aviation Belfast, is delighted to become the newest Air BP Sterling card merchant. Effective 1st April 2018. Commercial Director, Colin Gordon, said " This is a...

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Business Award – Winners

Business Award – Winners

Global Trek Aviation was delighted to win the Business Exporter of the Year award at the FSB regional award. The FSB awards were held at the impressive PlayFair Library, Edinburgh University, on...

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USA Autumn 2016 sales trip

USA Autumn 2016 sales trip

Global Trek Aviation recently returned from another successful trip to the USA after visiting 4 different states and exhibiting at a regional conference. Commercial Director, Colin Gordon, commented...

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Air Charter Expo (ACE’16)

Air Charter Expo (ACE’16)

Global Trek Aviation attended the newly branded Air Charter Expo (ACE16) at London Bigggin Hill Airport. Managing Director, David McColm was accompanied by Commercial Director, Colin Gordon, who...

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USA North East Trip – 5 states

USA North East Trip – 5 states

Global Trek Aviation recently returned from a successful U.S conference whilst also visiting friends and clients in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington and Virginia during a recent two week...

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